Cabrini Society

The Cabrini Society brings together generous supporters who have included a gift in their Will or left a bequest to Cabrini.

Cabrini Society members receive a Cabrini Society pin, exclusive updates and invitations to events including the annual Morning Tea event and the end of year luncheon. These events are hosted by our Chief Executive and Chairman to thank supporters for their commitment to the Cabrini mission.

In addition, Cabrini Society members have the option to have their name listed on honour boards on display at Cabrini Malvern to acknowledge and thank them for their support during their lifetime and into the future.

Thank you to the Cabrini Society members listed below as well as those that choose to remain anonymous.

"The establishment of the Cabrini Society recognises how much we truly value those people who have included a gift in their Will to Cabrini. Bequest gifts help us plan for the future and ensure that Cabrini can continue to provide the very best in compassionate care for our patients now and into the future.
Supporters who make these extraordinary gifts give heart to everything we do. The Cabrini Society gives us an opportunity to personally thank these supporters during their lifetime for the legacy that they are leaving."

Sue Williams, Chief Executive Cabrini Health

Cabrini Society members

Mrs Pauline Baxter in memory of Antoine (Tony) Touzeau

Mr Ian Belshaw



Mrs Maureen Coomber

Mr Roger Denning

Mrs Sarah Thompson Dowe

Ms Edith Gordon



Mary and Charles Kerstjens



Mr Otto Kohn

Mrs Pamela Kucewicz


Mrs Sook May Lee and Mr Anthony Barry

Mrs Sandra Lloyd

Dr Darren Lockie

Miss Alison McElroy

Mrs Glenda Mitchell and Mr Alan Mitchell


Mr Nir and Mrs Maria Pizmony and Family

The James and Barbara Quinn and Family Foundation

Mr Keith Raistrick



Ms Marilla Rootsey

Ms Anne Rousac-Hoyne and Mr Neil Roussac

Mrs Angyal and Mr Roland Sander





Mrs Lynette W. Wong

We are incredibly grateful to those that have already chosen to leave a legacy to Cabrini. Their thoughtful and generous acts will continue to have a significant and positive effect for the patients and families in our care.

Remembering and honouring Cabrini Gift in Will supporters

On behalf of everyone at Cabrini, we are incredibly grateful to those who have left a Gift in their Will and for their generosity and commitment to the work of Cabrini Health. Their legacy is an investment in the health of future generations of Australians. We continue to remember and honour these generous supporters, including those who choose to remain anonymous.

Claire Abrahams

Estate of Gustav G.H. Apituley

Ellen M Balderstone

Nola Evelyn Barnes

Neil Beauglehall

Elaine Louise Benger

Rose and Herbert Birchall

Carmel Mary Blanton

Gweneth Mabel Bowles

Doris Elaine Boyd

Ann Brewer

Rosina Violet Brown

Nance Nevasa Buchanan

Maxwell Chapman

Annie Marjorie May Clarke

Agnes Ferguson Clarke

Roger John Cleary

Gary George Conway

Patrick Corbett

Joyce Mena Coxall

David Roy Cross

John Lawrence De Yong

Rino Della Bosca

John Robert Edwards

Dr Betty Elliott

Barbara Feil

Emeritus Professor

Peter FitzRoy

Harold Francis

Ursula May Frawley

John Gaidzkar

Dorothy Cecelia Garbutt

Judith and Ian Gardiner

John Anthony Gill

Rosemary Gleeson

Angela Felicity Glover

Pamela Golding

Derek John Grantham

Dr Patricia Ann Gray

Peter Greenham

Hamling Bequest in memory of Fiona Hamling

Patricia Murray Hancock

Diana Mary Harcourt

Pamela Mary Harper

Clement Godfrey Harrison

Noel Arthur Hatherly

Mary Kathleen Hauser

Doris Mary Hawkless

Kenneth Swanson Hewitt

Peter Richard Hicks

Rita Mae Hunt

Florence Sheila Johannes

Doreen Johnson

Heather Jones

Valda Irene Keil

Douglas Alan Keillor

Irene Kozica

Paul Krongold

Belinda Lim

Margaret Littledale Tutton

Alison Loftus-Hill

David MacDonald

Dr Maureen Mackay

Robert Benjamin Mackey

Katherine Jane Mactier

Rita Anversa Magris

Brian and Katherine Mander

Mary Alice Mann

Lynette Mary Manzie

June Masson

Hubert Frances and

Margaret Mary McCarthy

Graeme and Lorraine McClymont

Allan Norman McNicol

Graham Avery Menzies

Deidre Anne Miller

Frances and Kiril Miltenov

Donald Vaun Morrison

Marita Therese Mulcahy

Marjorie May Murdoch

Michael Lloyd Niall

Rex Arthur Oxnam

Leslie Charles Parkinson

Bruce Pearson

Domenico Romeo Pertile

Veronica Choo Neo Png

Family of Duncan Powers

Lindsay G Quinn

William Clifford (Peter) Rawlins

Paula and Alexander Reinders

Margaret Rickard

Lynette Mary Rogers

Anthony Carmel Saccasan

Grace Saunders

Elaine and Charlotte Seccull

Leslie Alfred Shapland

Carl and June Simpson

Maria (Lina) Concetta Sinelli

Keatha Maude Stebbins

Brian J Sutton FRCNA

Bella Taft

Margaret Joan Titulaer

Noel William Turner

Bruce Raymond Vine

Hugh Lauder Wallace

Ronald Charles Weeks

Betty Geddes Wood

Mioko Wood, Author and Teacher

Secondiano Zanon

If you would like further information about the Cabrini Society, please don’t hesitate to contact Bronwyn Sugden, Donor Relations Manager - Bequests on 03 9508 1376 or email