
Artist’s Celebration of Life
Melbourne artist and Cabrini volunteer, Jeffrey Kelson, recently dedicated an exhibition held at Cabrini Malvern to the care he receives at Cabrini.
In gratitude for the care that Jeffrey and his family have received at Cabrini, the artist is donating all proceeds from the sale of his pieces to Cabrini Foundation, in support of Cabrini Palliative and Supportive Care services. To date, Jeffrey has raised close to $4,000 and he is continuing to sell artwork to raise further funds for the Cabrini Foundation. We are so grateful for his generosity.
A long-time patient and carer, Jeffrey has had his fair share of health challenges, receiving treatment for several heart attacks, blood clots and a number of surgeries at Cabrini.
Then in late 2022, Jeffrey received a shock diagnosis of late-stage pancreatic cancer and is currently receiving Cabrini palliative home care.
In a celebration of life, the artist set about creating a body of collage works that are both uplifting and life affirming. “I call them ‘Celebrations’. The works are mixed media on canvas with a predominance of collage and colour. They represent the flow of life and are windows into my life's experiences and a response to my diagnosis,” said Jeffrey.
“My connection to Cabrini is so strong. This is my way of thanking Cabrini for the many years of wonderful health support that we have received from this very special hospital. It's also my reaction to the diagnosis I received, that is, to celebrate the life I have,” he said.
Jeffrey’s artwork can be purchased at For any enquiries, please contact Jeffrey through his website:
Jeffrey will also be raising further funds for the Cabrini Foundation at an art exhibition at Quadrant Gallery, 72 Barkers Rd, Hawthorn from 8-31 May 2024.
Thank you Jeffrey for your wonderful support, service and compassion.